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<p>Calculate BMI body metric with explaination, then build 2 plans: 1 for exercise 2 for daily nutrition meals. Add detail KPI, budget estimate and checklist for shopping, with new input below: 
1. your gender, age, weight &amp; height (with unit name): {male, 27, 65kg, 1m65}
2. additional health goals &amp; condition: {not sick, using cigarette}</p>
<p>Calculate BMI body metric with explaination, then build 2 plans: 1 for exercise 2 for daily nutrition meals. Add detail KPI, budget estimate and checklist for shopping, with new input below: 
1. your gender, age, weight &amp; height (with unit name): {male, 27, 65kg, 1m65}
2. additional health goals &amp; condition: {not sick, using cigarette}</p>
<p>Calculate BMI body metric with explaination, then build 2 plans: 1 for exercise 2 for daily nutrition meals. Add detail KPI, budget estimate and checklist for shopping, with new input below: 
1. your gender, age, weight &amp; height (with unit name): {male, 27, 65kg, 1m65}
2. additional health goals &amp; condition: {not sick, using cigarette}</p>

Calculate BMI, export exercise and eating schedule

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lee mop
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94 Saved

Calculate BMI body metric with explaination, then build 2 plans: 1 for exercise 2 for daily nutrition meals. Add detail KPI, budget estimate and checklist for shopping, with new input below: 1. your gender, age, weight & height (with unit name): {male, 27, 65kg, 1m65} 2. additional health goals & condition: {not sick, using cigarette}

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